Friday, July 10, 2009

Crew of the Enterprise D

The Greatest Captain in Starfleet!! Anyone who watches and reads about Star Trek knows exactly who Captain Picard is. All Star Trek fans have watched at least some or most or if not all of the Next Generation. Of course Captain Kirk has went down in history, But Captain Picard will be known for Generations to come! He wasd the only Captain from Starfleet that encountered the Borg and actually found a way to destroy them. The Borg was the Biggest threat since the Klingons, and Picard was the one who stepped up to put them down! He takes on the most Dangerous missions, and he has made more peace talks with almost every Alien Race that Starfleet has encountered. They have tried to promote him to Admiral twice in the television shows and about 15 times in the Star Trek Next Generation Comic Books. He has been praised as being a great Captain by everyone that has ever been onboard the Enterprise. Even Commander Riker passed up an opportunity of his own to command a starship just so he could take a tour with Picard and the Famous Enterprise! Lets not forget about the famous Picard strategic manuever when in the midst of battle, which has went straight to the History books of Starfleet. Starfleet Command has even made that a requirement for Graduates of Starfleet Academy! So lets all give it up for the Greatest Captain that Starfleet or the world of Star Trek has ever known!!

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